If you've found a bug, typo or error, please let us know.


TELEVISION SET If system/browser font size setting is set above normal, the TV graphics may separate and create a lower gap. To fix, set to NORMAL.

THE POWER BUTTON is only working on the top level of every section.

TZ EPISODE GUIDE (TZ GUIDE) Season/Listing links can be broken viewing episode listings. Workaround - reload upper level or use channel buttons.
MAC SAFARI BROWSER creates a thick white border between top menu and tv set - also, vertical scrolling pages can have a blank page at top of page - problems not written in the html code - please use Google Chrome, Firefox or Explorer.
GOOGLE CHROME BROWSER If you're running the ad blocker uBlock Origin, Entertainment Earcth links won't appear on home page and in the Products section. Turn off the blocker, or ad this site as a friendly white site to your blocker setup.